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Each of the fantasias in Michael East’s collection for five viols has a Latin title, telling a story from Desperavi (I despaired), to Amavi (I loved), passing through Peccavi (I sinned) Credidi (I believed) Triumphavi (I triumphed) along the way. This programme is a rare complete performance of the cycle, with each fantasia paired with one of East’s vocal pieces from his 1610 and 1618 collections that compliments the sentiment of the fantasia. There are fabulous verse anthems O Clap Your Hands, and O Lord of Whom I Do Depend, and one of the most beautiful settings of When David Heard ever written. It also includes East’s contribution to the famous collection The Triumphs of Oriana, the madrigal Hence Stars.
Chelys Consort of Viols collaborate with Fieri Consort, a vocal consort with the most glorious blend of sound and nuance of interpretation, and 2018 winners of the Cambridge Prize at the York Early Music Festival.
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