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Brass Roots, a pilgrimage through North-east England

Queen Victoria’s Consort sets out to capture the soundworlds of the industrial revolution through concerts, lectures, workshops & videos which will be shared publicly. Our programmes will showcase the role that women, people of colour and people of limited means played in shaping the world of early brass. The project features three events:
‘Brass Tacks’ at Beamish. The industrial revolution was powered by the Northumberland-Durham coalfield: from it, the colliery band was born and brass instruments developed. Illustrated lectures and concerts across the Beamish site track this journey through time.
‘Onward’ at Methodist Church, Stanhope. The 19th century temperance movement, including the rise of Methodism, also inspired the town bands of the industrial North-east.
‘Past Times in Good Company’ at Bowes Museum. The Kershaw collection of instruments will be on public view for concerts and workshops and we will be joined by some early-career performers.
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